01 March 2012

Technical Difficulties

For some inexplicable reason, words are running together on my posts, though all looks well on my screen. If any bright soul out there has a solution, do drop me a line.


  1. This post looks a-o-k to me. Hope to have you back soon - and hope some one in the nether regions can help set things right again...

  2. Happy to see that I can expect a new post soon. Just wish I could help with the technical stuff. Mary

  3. Sure, techno-glitches are a hassle and sad to say, I'm not help at all, but eventually, someone who can diagnose the problem will appear. Either that or you'll figure it out yourself. Till then, we'll sit tight, knowing that however long we have to wait for a new post to appear, it will be worth the wait. [MV]

  4. Sure, techno-glitches are a hassle and sad to say, I'm not help at all, but eventually, someone who can diagnose the problem will appear. Either that or you'll figure it out yourself. Till then, we'll sit tight, knowing that however long we have to wait for a new post to appear, it will be worth the wait. [MV]

  5. Sorry I can't help! Hope somebody else can.

  6. It looks all fine on this end. It may be your browser needs updating? I use Safari. You might try Firefox?

  7. Had same problem. Read that cutting and pasting from
    A word doc causes it. Have to write in the "post" format.

  8. that good that is resolved, your site is very good!


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