06 May 2010

The End of the Line

Dear Readers,

For the last couple of years I have enjoyed writing for you—digging through old magazines and crumbling books, touring the various highways and byways of interior design. Few experiences in my writing life have been more delightful or more fulfilling. But blogging takes a toll. I'm exhausted, frankly, and have decided to bring An Aesthete's Lament to a close. But I wish to thank you for your encouragement, your words of praise, your occasional brickbats of criticism, and most of all, your desire to make your personal world more beautiful and more delightful.


The Aesthete


M. Denise C. said...

I'm heartbroken! Will you continue The Aesthete Cooks?

The Down East Dilettante said...

So that's why my china comment didn't go through---I was raving on about a japonesque creamware dinner service I once owned, and you were shutting down.

And, sadly, took your posts with you, I see---I hope this can only mean that you complile the best as a book. There was some awfully good design and social history in there.

Thanks for all that you shared.

Anonymous said...


Another contribution to the death of beauty. All I can do is thank you for your amazing posts, the quality and breadth of which explain why you might need a well-deserved rest. You have brought me so much pleasure. Thank you.


Jane Kilpatrick Schott said...


You have done a real service to bloggers everywhere by raising the bar of what a wonderful experience posting can be for the reader and the writer.

I hope you find another successful endeavor.

I will begin to file away some of the best from your history and be grateful for your diligence.

All the best!

Blue said...

Sir, I am going to miss your writing and your insights and I want to thank you for helping making my days be more interesting. Thank you.

Blue said...

I wish you well. Thank you for making my days all the more interesting for having read your blog.

La Maison Fou said...

Good luck and goodbyr for now.

Thanks you for daily inspiration as well as visual treat!

Au Revoir

La Maison Fou

Anonymous said...

OH NO! I will miss visiting your site several times a week to see what goodies you had in store for all your readers. Your taste, knowledge, and commitment to beauty are virtually unparalled in the blog world. Best wishes for the future! CC

home before dark said...

Thank you for your wonderful insights and, of course, your wonderful prose. I hope new book projects are underway. To you and yours, all the best.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear. All best wishes. Yours was the place where I could take my self to revel and wonder over all those topics so precious to me and forgotten, if ever known of, by most of the world. Your content,knowledge and coverage were masterful. I'll miss my daily browse.
As for the china, I'd trade every set I own for a complete one of Royal Crown Derby, "Traditional Imari".... joined with a heaping helping of Tiffany "English King" and topped off with a little Baccarat, "Geneva". Yup, That would do it for me. Oh. wait, what about the Wedgwood, "W1959 Swallow"....???
I'll leave you with a smile on my face and thanking you for all of your delightful efforts.

magnus said...


Michele from Boston said...

You will be truly, truly missed! All the best in your future endeavors-

Anonymous said...

So, we have to revise and to revisite what we see with you.
Bad and sad for us

Toby Worthington said...

Why not take a nice long sabbatical, then reconsider?
Your blog never failed to edify and delight, but perhaps your innate perfectionism was the cause of
this decision~every phrase was polished to a gleaming
shine, and naturally that sort of writing is time consuming. Still~admit it, Aesthete, this blog gave you scope and range, it was expressive of a refined, constantly evolving sensibility. We readers benefited of course~but who else is going to offer us what you've provided here? You've spoiled us, is what I'm trying to say.

Regina Joi said...

Dear One,

You have been a real source of inspiration for many, but for me...a touchstone to the Gloried Past. I friend who knew the path.

I am at a loss. You should reconsider after a little holiday to the worst part of the World, for there, Beauty will be, but in hidden anguish over her acolytes' not lighting the candles of Truth.

Love of what one does is so fragile, sometimes too much for our little shoulders too bear.

Be well, stay in touch, think of all the Souls who have long gone...should you ever wish to speak, I am here.

Unknown said...

Horrible awful news & all our days will be much duller & grayer without your witty & inspiring blog.

Anonymous said...

You will be missed - wonderful job! Please let us know when your next project comes out.

magnus said...

AAL- I have taken a scientific poll of your followers and it has been unanimously decided that YOU MAY NOT QUIT. We haven't quite decided what the punishment will be if you persist in this foolish idea of yours, but we're working on it.

I feel like a dear friend has moved to the West Coast.

laurablanco said...

I'm in mourning.

DM said...

Oh no!!! Can you at least go on a goodbye tour so I can get used to the idea?!

Quatorze said...

An irreplaceable loss. Enjoy your well-deserved rest; and know that you will be missed.

My bookcases heave a collective sigh of relief that yet another book referenced by word and/or picture on AAL blog will not be added to the load they now carry; my intellect, however, says otherwise...

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, what a loss.
I don't have that many favorites.

Best wishes to you, and thank you for what you brought. It was special.

Paul Pincus said...

thank you, aesthete.

because of you (and your brilliance) i feel more dapper and smarter and happier and more discerning and more optimistic and more venturesome and... more influenced.

you're the ultimate.

your friend,
-paul pincus

ArchitectDesign™ said...

What?! Seriously? You are my daily must-read and favorite blog that I so look forward to. Please don't stop!

johnjhansonjr said...

I now understand how Mona Bismarck felt when Balenciaga closed its doors. I am speechless and adrift.

Carey Pickard said...

I can not possibly overstate how much your blog has meant to me. I have learned so much from it and am so grateful for the time and energy you've devoted to it. Thank you for sharing your encyclopedic knowlege with all of us. You've enriched my life immeasurably. Thank you.

Wabasis Trace said...

You will be sorely missed. You're daily email postings were a wonderful little break in the day. You introduced me to a lot of influential people I did not know. I can only imagine the time required to produce and maintain the quality of product you were putting out there for us to enjoy. Thank you for all your efforts.

Tara Dillard said...

Thank you for what you have generously given.

Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Elizabeth said...

I can understand how a blog as consistently interesting as yours has been could be quite time consuming to produce. I've certainly enjoyed and appreciated your posts, and will miss your unique voice. Lately, even though I'm just a reader of design blogs, I too have been questioning the time commitment and wondering if I haven't been allowing myself to get sucked ever deeper into a virtual world of beauty, rather than going out and seeking my aesthetic fix in the real world.
Anyway, many thanks for months of enjoyment!

morrismore said...

This is really awful. I am so sad to see you go.

Swedish Interiors said...

Firstly, many thanks for enriching our days with intelligent prose and gorgeous imagery. A book, surely. Or an e-book? What the world will loose without a full compilation of The Aesthete's Lament!

dialog said...

Oh I have enjoyed hearing you speak and reading your blog and I will miss dropping by. I am sure the avenues of your writing will now only expand, so I am sure I will see you and read you in the future. Thanks for all of your posts.

Unknown said...

Ach~ Bring the smelling salts I feel faint, the room is spinning!
The great critique of modern ugliness and tireless defender traditional goût has fallen in battle. Who shall take up the banner and continue the charge?
We will remember your bravery and courage in the face of kunstentarte and thank you for gracing us with fine images and unpolished opinion.

*hats are off and heads are bowed*

Room Temperature said...

There's "real" life & then there's this one, and in my online life, this is the worst news I ever heard.
E v e r. You were the absolute best of the best.

Freddy Victoria said...

very sad. good luck with your next endeavor - i'm sure it will be just as great!

The Ancient said...

What Toby said.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

That's very sad news. You will be much missed. I shall have to console myself for the time being by reading your archive xx

Bob H. said...

You shall be missed - yours was the only blog I checked daily to see what new delight was in store, and how disappointing that all your previous posts vanished - any chance of getting them back?

Linda Samsig said...

I have enjoyed your blog so very very much , You gave me alot of wonderful reading with my morning coffee , I for one hate to see you go , If it wasnt for you i wouldn't have known what was out there in Blogs , I would like to Thank you and say i will miss you very much , And thank you for introducing me to the Blog world ,,

Mrs. Blandings said...

Fine praise here. And I am in full agreement with both Toby and Magnaverde.

DMC said...

I'm so sorry to read this - I have read you religiously for the past year and a half. I'm sure it has been an intense project, given the wonderful quality and frequency of your posts. Nothing ever, ever disappointed. Thank you for it all.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Aesthete,
I can't believe I will no longer be able to visit your lovely gentle world!

Visiting it has been such a pleasant distraction through my (successful) battle with cancer these past two years, and I've learned so much - thank you, thank you, thank you!

I wish you and your family peace and happiness in the coming days and years. You will be truly missed.
E Forshaw

Reggie Darling said...

Aesthete: I salute you. Your blog has been a daily inspiration and influence, and a great pleasure. No one out there can turn a phrase like you do, and there have been times that I found myself dumbstruck with awe and admiration for your writing, analysis, and encyclopedic knowledge. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. Best of luck to you as you take a well-deserved rest, and consider your new endeavors. Yours with respect, Reggie

katiedid said...

I am undone.

pve design said...

I can completely understand. I wish it were not so, I do enjoy your wisdom. Sad to see you cross the finish line of blogging.

jenn said...

I'm so sorry to hear that! Thank you for the intelligent and entertaining posts you given us in the past, and best of luck in the future.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the blogs.
good night sweet prince.

Anonymous said...

I will so miss your intelligence, wit, and of course aesthetics...which I've come to look forward each morning with my coffee. Wishing you all the best.

Sarah said...

Thank you so much for your beautiful blog and all the quality and passion that you poured into your posts. We will all miss you! Wishing you all the best and success in future endeavors.

Anonymous said...

As my eyes fill with tears, I've the presence of mind to beg your expert advice: Which handkerchief would be best suited to this grievous occasion?

balsamfir said...

I too am heartbroken, but thank you for the many great ideas and things to think about over the past few years. Enjoy your summer and your family. We'll miss you.

cotedetexas said...

NO! truthfully, I've always wondered where you found the time. please, please don't erase your blog - it's such a great source for research. we'll all miss you tremendously.

much happiness and health.


Thea Beasley said...


You have benn my go-to, first read EVERY morning for over a year.
I have so very often felt you were the only one who knew of, and loved the same odd, esoteric things as I.
Yet, you have the gift to be able to so eloquently share them.
I completely understand exhaustion, and having begun a small, pitiful blog attempt of my own, can imagine the time, work, and investment to create what you have....
I bow, offer grave and very great THANKS, wish you all the best in your next endevores, and shall remian in awe of your ability to share and educate so wonderfully, create worlds out of words, and inspire.

mary said...

So sad to loose you and your super posts. I learned so much over the past two years; but I do know that "for everything there is a season"--thank you and be well.

Anonymous said...

Not a good thing at all.....

cynthia at The Daily Basics said...

But I've just found you!! So sad!!!

Pigtown*Design said...

This is the worst news! Just terrible. I have learned so much from you and you've opened my eyes to so many new people, new ideas and fascinating rooms and houses.

Thank you so much for all of the time and effort you've expended bringing AL to all of your fans. We all appreciate the effort.

friendandfaux said...

I am very sad, I have learned so much from your posts. The Aesthete will be profoundly missed. Thank you for all you have given us.

Jessica said...

Please, please, do not stop blogging. I look forward so much to your posts, they really brighten my day.

Lisa Borgnes Giramonti said...

This is a tragedy. Your rarefied eye, your dazzling intelligence and your incisive wit were a shining beacon in my day. I completely understand your remark about the toll blogging takes, but legions and legions of fans will miss you. Where will we turn now for a "Well Said" quip? Or a reflection on why a classic piece of furniture isn't made anymore? Or just a lovely childlike diagram of the seating at one of your dinner parties?

All of these things made you irreplaceable. I will raise an Old-Fashioned to you tonight and toast one less supernova in the blogosphere. xx

Unknown said...

We all get get fatigued from time to time... but why rush into major decisions like this one??? Take some time, think it over, maybe you can continue in some slightly different format that is less taxing... Hoping you change your mind...

Mary Maki Rae said...

Dear Aesthete-
Oh-! This can't be True-!
Your blog was always the first to read - Your Intellect - Classic Taste - sometimes Quirkiness
are sublime-!

Your literary standard so high - how will you ever be replaced-!
You will be missed-!
Thank You for All of your delightful Posts and the Effort you put into them-!
Best always , Mary

Regina Hackett said...

I love this blog too, but the problem is, it's a rare blog that makes any money at all for the writer. Free is great for readers, but for writers? There are grants, yes, a few; a meager number of ads for those who seek them (not enough to sustain anyone). Blogs die not because the blogger is exhausted but because the blogger has to make some money.

Unknown said...

C'est un choc mondial, chère esthète

I hope your blog archives will still be available for a while. I really need to check them all. Otherwise (I'm not joking) this will be a loss for the history of Taste

Off the List said...

Quel dommage - a little light goes out of my life!

columnist said...

I am sad too. You have been a wonderful inspiration, and as you know "one of my favourite blog reads" too.

I quite understand why you have come to this decision. I sometimes feel the same way too, when the joys of blogging elude me. And indeed, I'm going through that right now. I think I will just take a rest. I beg you to do the same, so that you come back refreshed. Next time you can pace yourself too. This daily posting malarkey can sometimes be a bit too ambitious, especially with all the work you put into such endeavours.

Jeannine 520 said...

Such bad news. Could you please leave up your archived posts??

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog for the last year and a half and have thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact it is the first port of call when I turn my computer on in the evening! I will miss your writing. Thank You.

Rose C'est La Vie said...

You were the yardstick we all measured ourselves by and added the greatest distinction, the brightest glow to this galaxy of the blog universe. Thank you. xx Rosie

Barima said...

A great shame; I required such breadth of knowledge and decorative-based appreciation in my life. This was a definitively inspirational column. I hope you will return one day and wish you well in your other endeavours

All best,


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to see you go! Good luck in your next endeavors --- might a book by you be coming?

Anonymous said...

Your writing has been a privilege to read. I have considered each of your postings as a little jewel intended for my pleasure and edification. I will miss the sparkle and the inspiration. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your insights. You will be missed.

PLWB said...

You are the best!! It seems impossible that we will not hear from you, but I hope we will again in future, in a new way. Thank you, we'll be thinking of you!

Unknown said...

I am always saddened when the leaves begin to turn or the air begins to have the bite of winter, however everything that dies is reborn again in another season.
Rest sweet prince and I'll see you on the strand...

Karen Carroll said...

Will miss your intelligent voice. All the best--

a. said...

It's been a pleasure reading. Best of luck!

pve design said...

Perhaps you shall second guess your desire to leave the party so soon, stay, let's have one more drink and a few more posts.

Blog Author(s) said...

Best wishes.

Thank you for your contribution.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Aesthete,
Exhaustion understandable. Closure definitely not.

Selfish me. I know what it is to raise a family AND try to live a life of beauty and taste.

Thank you for everything you have given us; my life (and, unwittingly, that of my own family) has been enriched by your love for this work and your generosity in sharing it.

Please tell me we can still access your archives for a little while?

With all good wishes,
Another Aesthete

Anonymous said...

A shock to hear. But perhaps not a surprise given the amount of effort and quality you put into it. A true labor of love.

Perhaps a little break is in order, which could help recharge. Or a change in direction.

Clearly your blog has become an inspiration and sounding board for many. It would be a shame to see it end.

If this is to be, thank you for your efforts. It has been an inspiration to me as well as countless others.

Respectfully yours.

La Maison Fou said...

I wanted to come back -

You inspired a post in me!

Good luck and godspeed.


Anonymous said...

No! I love your blog and looked forward to reading it every morning. Please reconsider after some time and rest. In the meanwhile, I wish you all the best!!

Toby Worthington said...

I'm inclined to agree with Cote de Texas regarding your archives as a sublime source of reference. Only
the day before you closed shop, I recommended your authoritative piece on Winfield House to a friend in the
UK who'd been invited there and asked my opinion about the place. That was very easy to do: link to
Aesthete's Lament, whose post said it all.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to buck up and think of you rather than myself but, really, it's just too hard! You have introduced me to people, ideas, houses, and design history that I didn't know existed. You've been the teacher I never had but always wished for. Thank you for all your effort.

Anonymous said...

What a sad day this is! In just a year this has become my absolute favorite blog. I've been edified and inspired, entertained and enlightened. And even if I cringe when I see an American throw an extra "u" into words where it isn't needed, I've never once found the prose to be anything other than scintillating. I understand the need to take a sabbatical, but I truly hope, for myself and your many fans, that you'll consider returning to the task after a decent interval of repose.

Anonymous said...

Quality is worth defending. Beauty is worth defending. Talent is worth defending. All of these things promoted through your contributions are important.

Please do not go away. Take a break, instead.


A rallying cry

Rebecca James said...

So sad that I will no longer be "inspired and edified" by your lovely posts. Yours is one of three blogs I read daily and I will miss you. Rebecca

Unknown said...

You've come to the finish line and
your daily readers are forlorn.
This disappointment has brought on
vituperative verbiage to an otherwise classy (yes), curious,
arts loving bunch out here.
In all cases, wishing you the very best, and here's hoping we'll be reading your prose -- maybe here or elselwhere.
Barbara G

Tom said...

I am so sorry to see this end but I understand. I have a real estate website and just updating that once a week is a chore. Based on your previous post I ordered the "Greatest Rooms" and am looking forward to spending time with it. Thank you for your hard work and the pleasure you have brought to your followers.

Anonymous said...

Please keep your posts for posterity!

Things That Inspire said...

Oh, I have visited your post on 'Lanterne' style houses at least once every six weeks...and now it is gone. One of my all time favorite posts - ever - from any blog.


Your blog will be missed.

Anonymous said...

It's like a death in the blog family, without the pictures to sustain the memory.

Anonymous said...

Please don't go.

We love you so.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss you.

JudyMac said...

Sorry to see you closing up shop. Yours was one of the very first blogs I discovered, which in turn led to a never-ending stream of blog delights. But I always returned to yours, for good reason: it was delightful.

SuSu said...

I do hope there is at least one book left in you! I've learned so much from you...Godspeed!

Costumedzyner said...

What an incredibly sad day! I can only say that I am going to sincerely miss your posts. It was a bright moment I looked forward to every day! I hope that your personal life continues to be beautiful, and hopefully less stressful!

Anonymous said...

You've removed your older posts; not very sporting. You were willing to write for free when it all went your way, but when you lost your hardon for blogging you take your toys away like a petulant child. The glamazons you say you admire would be far more philosophical and less stingy. Your insecurity and the chip on your shoulder were always the signal features of your writing. A life without bitterness and condescension is far richer than the one you currently lead. It's never too late to change.

Visual Vamp said...

Did you catch it from Decorno?
I am really really sorry to see you go, but I totally understand that there is life after blogging.
Godspeed darling.
xo xo

An Aesthete's Lament said...

Except for Anonymous 1.15am (such a brown cloud), I thank you all, so very much, for your encouragement and your good cheer and your appreciation. It was great fun writing this blog, and I am so very happy you all were along for the ride. I have a couple of books I have agreed to write, which I hope you might enjoy when they finally see the light of day!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:15's writing style is unmistakable.

Anonymous said...

Thank you--your wonderful posts have brightened many of my days.
I'll be on the lookout for those books!

Best of luck in your future endevors - KMc

HOBAC said...

AL - one man's little brown cloud is another man's floating turd.

tcg said...

I also want to wish you well. I just discovered you recently, and I'll miss this delightful spot, but blogging is indeed grueling. Just a tiny request to please consider leaving up your archives a short while for those of us who just discovered you recently. And thank you especially for the recent Drabware post. Good luck, and please write many books for all of us to enjoy in future. All best.

Susan Adler Sobol said...

You disappeared once before and then returned. This time I fear you may be gone far longer. I do follow your writing in the "real" world of print and look forward to reading your prose. I have always been amazed that you maintained your anonymity and have never used this blog to self-promote your work. Like so many others have stated more eloquently, thank you. It has been such a pleasure.

Unknown said...

Come back Shane--Aesthete---come back---!

Errant Aesthete said...

It was an honor to share "aesthete" with you. It was, too, impossible to read a post by you and not come away feeling a bit more elegant, refined, knowledgeable and exquisitely mannered.

As is usually the case in life, when partaking of the best it has to offer, we are all better for it.

Well done Aesthete! And thank you. Words fail me to think of a more poignant lament than your absence.

Jessica said...

Another idea, ever considered turning your blog into a book? It's been done quite successfully by your fellow bloggers. Just to name a few, The Sartorialist, Facehunter, The Selby, etc. If you did that there is no doubt I would buy it, you have such a talent.

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

there is no doubt this writer, author has already and will by far continue to surpass the bloggers of sudden fame and all the rest of us.this blog has been a gift, no one but no one can conjure up a room with words-no picture needed- no one. It is rare that one can reply -as HOBAC says to a brown turd-(though perhaps a better color is green)and make the words sparkle so. very wise to take down your archives too-they are sitting ducks,and somehow get them off that damn google reader. pgt

Anonymous said...

Just one more letting you know how much your work has meant and begging you to put back your archives! I can't tell you how often I would find myself reading and rereading them! I feel like I lost my favorite book with no way of replacing it!

Gigibird said...

Although I am a Johnny-come Lately I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about fascinating people from the past which thanks to you have wetted my appetite to find out more.

You have great taste and insight into the creative mind.

Marthe said...

You opened worlds for me. What a gain and what a loss!
Thank you Aesthete.

Gobsmacked said...

I understand not wanting to continue this lovely blog and to continue with your life instead...but to take away all those wonderful archived posts is just rude and selfish...why not just leave them forever for everyone to read, study and enjoy?
Blogs live forever...you needn't tend the archives.

Unknown said...

Un grand merci pour avoir contribué si longtemps à ce blog que je prenais toujours plaisir à lire.

Merci pour votre générosité et, qui sait, après quelques vacances, aurez-vous envie de revenir nous voir !

French By Design said...

how do I save the posts as a word document and read in the years to come? I am sooooooooooo sad.
Thank you for the wonderful inpiration!!!!

Andrea said...

This is really awful!

Alan Rosenberg said...

Yours is the only blog I follow regularly--please reconsider! -Alan, http://alanrosenberg.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...


Turner Pack Rats said...

a real tragedy. i came here late from dilletante but you were always fascinating as DED is. i hope the 112 comments urge you to come back at some time or publish. i'll buy it no matter the cost. wishing you well but urging you to come back. WAAAAA!!!

Norma Van Lenne said...

From one of your most atypical readers: You were truly a good read-thank's

Ryan Hines said...

How sad! I just discovered you! But I understand.

I wish you'd leave the old posts up though...

Anonymous said...

total bummer!

the best art blog, artblog.net stopped last month, now you.

hopefully you keep the archive available like them, both of you have a fine history of posts to revisit.



Nick Heywood said...

Dear Aesthete,

Clearly I'm behind the ball on this one, and I'm thoroughly saddened, like so many others. Your blog was truly one of the very few worth reading, addressing your subject matter with such an unusual level of grace and seriousness.

If we cannot convince you to continue, can we at least request that you leave your pieces up as a reference? Please? Thank god I saved the images over the years that inspired me most as a designer, but your blog was a constant delight and your archives yielded new areas to research that aren't commonly covered by publications, and sadly seldom in books. Young designers must stand on the shoulders of their forebearers, and you made that a little more possible. Your research was a constant support and inspiration.

Please leave your archives intact if you cannot continue updating them -- they are an incredible and rich body of knowledge. Please?

Nick Heywood said...

I was heartened at least, in reading back on your comments, that you have agreed to write a few books -- bravo, over and over -- but then realized I will have no way of finding them, as your name is completely absent. Perhaps people in the know know who you are, but I do not.

I hate to think you would have a publication (or really, you probably have many already, and I would love to read them) and I would miss it for the sole reason of not knowing where to look!

home before dark said...

I second Nick Heywood's comment that you need to stand here before your friends and let us know you by your name...so that we know how to order these books in the making although I suspect one book may be "An Aesthete's Lament."

And leave it to HOBAC to write the best zinger to Brown Cloud. I always thought that you, HOBAC, Toby Worthington and Magnaverda should have had your own podcast.

Anonymous said...

Please don't stop! Your blog is really interesting... but if you are so tired to write it (I understand!), please don't cancel your past articles: I didn't read all yet. Thanks. imma

Anonymous said...

p.s. why don't you publish your articles in a book? I'm thinking that some publishers (like Berg or Routledge in UK) are really interested to Interiors, Furnishing and Decoration in the last times... imma

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's too bad, and what a shame about taking all you old posts down, too.

Newell Turner said...

What a loss! Your postings will be missed. They were one of the few treats I allowed myself during work each day.

The Peak of Chic said...

I've been out of town and am thus late to comment. Best of luck to you! I learned so very much from you, and for that I am very grateful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. You have taught me much, given me laughter and reminded me of what is important when my j-o-b threatened to crush my spirit...Best wishes to you!

gésbi said...

Happy sailing to you! We await your books with impatience.

Acanthus and Acorn said...

I will miss all the history lessons, well researched posts, unmatched way with words and of course your beautiful posts on china to include those of your own table. I will remember last Decembers with the hurricanes so fondly!
I am sad that my time with you was so short.
Best Wishes!

davidikus said...

Thanks for the past two years! Blogging is indeed very time consuming so I fully understand. Enjoy a freer life! Your blog will be missed.


Anonymous said...

Look, there are 137 of us begging for more. Isn't there a pay-for-view model that would make your blogging more worthwhile? A private subscription where we each pay say $30 per month?

You're a beautiful writer who inspires us all each day. That's worth a lot more than $30 per month . .

The Blushing Hostess said...

I thought about this for a while, and I understand perfectly, though I am saddened to lose you. You are an extraordinary example, mentor, and scholar. Thank you for everything you gave along the way, my best wishes go with you.

Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed your blog so much. It's been part of my day to day life and I will miss it. Well written, informative, good historical design info. Best of luck to you with whatever you do next.

zinniagirl said...

Oh, no! My favorite blog - gone, gone, gone... Life just got a little bleaker. Sorry to see you go.

Splenderosa said...

Oh, you cannot fool us, you've just found another, better way of putting all this on paper. No matter, you will be missed so much in this www place of mostly-enchanting people. I'm sorry I never knew quite who you were. Marsha Harris

Anonymous said...

Too suddenly you go! Loved reading you. Come see me, please! I worry about you. Oh, this is too awful. Truly, I am weeping. Linda.

Thank You For Asking said...

wow! It must be bittersweet to leave these adoring fans. I hope we get to hear what is next for you. You are a talent.
Best of luck.

Susan Dench said...

It's been great fun, and I wish you all the best in your next adventure! Susan

Anonymous said...

I will miss you but sympathize with the responsibility of providing continuing entertainment and edification.

It was a good blog and I enjoyed it very much.

You have earned your rest.

Anonymous said...

I too am heartbroken, but I completely understand. Blogging is hard work.
Kate C.

Kevin said...

Tragic! Now what will I read? Someone who thinks Ghost chairs are the pinnacle of design? Say it isn't so!!

Laura Casey Interiors said...

You are a wonderful writer and I have always loved all your posts. I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

It not the End of the Line. It's the Decline of Western Civilization.

Anonymous said...

Dear Aesthete,
How very very sad.
You willbe much missed.
However, I completely understand.
Everything has its moment, and after a while things are not quite such a thrill as they once were.
Though your blog continued to delight.

Back in NY for 2 years now after leaving Marrakesh....so thinking of where to go for the next absurd adventure....

Ana Maria Linhares Giesbrecht said...

I'm so very sorry! I have just found out the link to this and is looked like a blog that I would have loved. My loss...
Maybe after a while you can let the old posts available for visiting... I sure hope you do.
Ana Maria Giesbrecht

Easy and Elegant Life said...

152 comments dear Aesthete...

Please consider even the odd post. We'll wait. You're worth it.

24 Corners said...

The lack of your voice in the land of blog will be sorely missed...

Thank you so very much for your historically beautiful posts and the time you invested in writing them.

Blessings to you and your future,
xo Jessica

Susan (Between Naps On The Porch.net) said...

Oh...just found your blog...and now it's gone. :-( Is there a way to view your archives? I'd love to read those. Best luck to you in the future...hope you return one day.

Karena said...

What, oh no.....I understand, will miss you terribly!!

Art by Karena

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

Not in shameless self promotion-but in answer to a EELife's plea for an occasional word from you our "venerable" Aesthete, please Lamenting comrades, my post Comments-here on Mr. and Mrs Stokes - http://littleaugury.blogspot.com/2010/05/sargents-gibson-girl.html

But Dearest Aesthete, Do smother this comment in the cradle as you say- if it deters you from coming around often or even occasionally.

Jeffrey Primeaux said...

Sad to see you leave off. I've enjoyed Aesthete's Lament and will miss your posts; it's been one of my favorites: consistently amusing and full of things to see.



My Dog-Eared Pages said...

Thank you for indeed, raising the bar and for so many interesting reads. I've loved your blog since my very first visit. In March I was at a cocktail party in Connecticut and when a guest discovered I wrote a blog, she immediately started listing her favorites. An Aesthete's was #1.
It has been delightful! All the best to you. Barbara

Anonymous said...

I only discovered this wonderful blog last year, and have returned to it many times since then. Actually, it is one of the few sites I visited when the daily news became too grim or overwhelming. Thank you for composing so many thoughtful and inspired posts. I only wish the links remained active, there is much here that I'd like to revisit and print out for inspiration.
Best of luck to you.

Unknown said...

Oh, it saddens me, just as I got so used to your insights, detours to great points of view and knowledge, which made my day a little richer! Utterly egotistical motives, I am aware!
But I understand the feelings which let you decide on this move!

May you see all your dreams and plans for the future come true! Fare well!


design citation said...

Thank you for your hard work, and your
unfailing interest in the esoteric and the sublime.
I would ask ( beg ) you to reconsider, but that feels
very selfish, and besides, everyone else has doing that, so you know how we all feel.
boo - hoo. I wish you the best in all your endeavors - and loveliness in everything you see and do.

agnes szucs said...

I'm so sad you removed all content... I somehow thought that will be here forever.

Wishing all the best to you,

Topsy Turvy said...

Very sad for us, but now you can move on to the next phase of your life. Congratulations on the book offers - please let us know when they are out. Best, Lana

Anonymous said...

Just stopping back in to see an old friend and say I miss you...and think of you often.

Quatorze said...

If you write a book, please infirm us all!

Quatorze said...

Oops, of course I meant "inform" us all...

mob said...

Are you your sister ? Because she stops to cook too.

An Aesthete's Lament said...

Sorry, Mob. Have been seriously behind on The Aesthete Cooks. Will get to it ASAP.

Rebecca James said...

So you will continue "The Aesthete Cooks"? I do so miss AAL.

Riviera Boardwalk said...

I have not posted for over a month due to cancer so I understand exhausted but you are missed.

An Aesthete's Lament said...

Dear Nancy/Riviera, I hope you will be back in full, fine form in short order. I understand it is not an easy road, having a friend who recently went through the same illness. You have my best wishes and prayers.