01 February 2011

Get Inspired: Yves Saint Laurent

"Standing Moroccan in Green," a 1912-1913 work painted by Henri Matisse during his first trip to North Africa. It is owned by The Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

"I'm not painting pictures, I'm painting furniture. I found two beautiful wooden Moroccan tables in the souks, and I painted them in vivid colors à la Matisse."

So said Yves Saint Laurent more than two decades ago, when a reporter heard the fashion designer had taken up painting at his home in Marrakech.

What's stopping you from doing the same?


Karena said...

Not a thing!! I find inspiration in all of my surrounding....interior design fashion, other artists and artisans! Love Matisse and Yves!

Be sure to enter my amazing Giveaway from Splenderosa!

Art by Karena

Penelope Bianchi said...

Some men......particularly; however many women join the men: they refuse to "paint" wood!

Often, heavy-feeling dark wood objects feel so much lighter and lovely painted (usually, ivory or white!)

Something to consider!

Unknown said...

What a fabulous quote by Yves! What an inspiring post. Modern Sophisticate